Ministry At Bethany
Bethany is a church in a changed neighborhood. Founded in 1905 in the then new south-side neighborhood, it served the residents, primarily first and second generation Dutch immigrants, who worked in the growing paper industry. As the paper industry waned and the residents aged, the neighborhood began a long slow decline. As the housing stock declined, the new residents had less and less in common with the members of the church.
An arson fire in the early 1970's could have given Bethany a reason to leave. Many of the neighborhood businesses and even churches did. But Bethany felt the call of God to change our focus from the insular Dutch Reformed church to a new neighborhood oriented ministry reaching out to, as Christ said, "...the least of these brothers and sisters of mine..." (Matthew 25:40)
As a result, our ministries serve our neighbors and those who have no one to call neighbor.
An arson fire in the early 1970's could have given Bethany a reason to leave. Many of the neighborhood businesses and even churches did. But Bethany felt the call of God to change our focus from the insular Dutch Reformed church to a new neighborhood oriented ministry reaching out to, as Christ said, "...the least of these brothers and sisters of mine..." (Matthew 25:40)
As a result, our ministries serve our neighbors and those who have no one to call neighbor.